You can understand the title as in: now there are two of them to make a pair or as in: now there is a second pair of them coming. Both ways are right.
1. Sidewinders:
*lanka/yarn: Opal Herbstmelodie.
*puikot/needles: Rödel 2,5mm bambu pyörö/circular bamboo
*tunnelma: ihastunut/love them

The second pair is on its way - the first sock only needs to be crafted together - although I'm having some trouble getting the aran pattern on it's place, as well as with the changes needed to knit them with two circulars (which Maia cleverly invented)...

Toinen matkailemaan päässyt projekti eli sukat vanhan, jostain läpyskästä kopioidun Hüttensocke-mallin mukaan on vähän jäissä, kirjoneule ei jotenkin innosta. Ja kantapää pitäis tehdä uusiksi, siitä tuli reikäinen kun sekin tehdään kahdella värillä.
The second pair of socks which got to travel to the Alps (the Hüttensocke-socks from an old-ish German instruction booklet) is marinating.. the fair isle still isn't quite my thing... and I need to frog and re-do the heel since it's full of holes due to the fair isle in it...

I'm in the German mystery shawl group Secret of Chrysopolis which starts in the end of September. The pattern will be published in English as well if you're interested but can't speak/read German. And since I didn't have any lace yarn in my stash I needed to make some shopping in Wollsucht. Like Evilla 6/1 and 8/1 lace yarns. They also sell some colors of Jitterbug so I needed to buy one just to make sure that the lace yarns don't get too expensive because of the shipping fees.. Well yeah...
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